Friday, July 29, 2011

I've moved

Come check me out.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I love it. I love everything about this.
This was one of my favorite songs from the get go.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I feel like its the end of the world.
I've felt this way before.
I forgot how terrible it felt.
To wake up with a broken heart.
Cant sleep Cant think
Tears and tears.
is it the apocolypse because I feel ,like a zombie.
walking around
soulless and searching for a body....
with a brain and heart...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
- Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Do

I cut my hair myself the other day. I have been growing it out. Im ready for long hair again. I decided to give it a different style. Ive been wearing it the same for a few months now. I needed a change. I had a certain style in mind…..






My ultimate…. Alice


End Result.



What do yall think?
Actually, I’ve had it this way for over two weeks now. I’ve gotten positive and negative feedback. Im still on the fence as to whether I like it or not.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Music Is My Life

I have really started to take my music seriously. I have always been very passionate about music but never really thought about taking it to another level. More and more I think I am just going to go for it. I have recorded two songs already. These photos are from my last session. I had a great/tipsy/fun time.



This is Frank….He is very passionate and stays in that position when he’s listening.



Friday, April 29, 2011

Six Days Away


Yes, I will be heading on a road trip to New Orleans in less than a week. My excitement is building up to a breaking point. I am very excited and also very nervous, but that’s the anxiety trying to rear its ugly head but I won’t let it. I am going to enjoy this trip. I mad goals for 2011 and I intend to complete them. Going on a trip, even if only 100 miles(New Orleans is 521 so surpassed my goal already!) was one of my goals. I am ready to take on the world. LOL I am really stoked to go sightseeing. I have started a list of to do’s and must sees. It’s gonna kick-ass!

Not to mention, I am going to see my favorite singer of all-time!!!!!


I’ve waited for Lauryn’s comeback for over a decade and it’s finally time. The only problem is that her set conflicts with one of my all-time favorite bands!


I have to work something out!

And just for good measure…


Last but not least, Lupe Fiasco!


I even bought a brand new camera. I can’t wait to show off the pictures!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

This little piggy went to the Dallas Farmers Market

I didn’t get to buy any of the delicious looking fruits and veggies but I did buy a homemade fruit pie. It was pretty darn good. I went to the market to do research for a school project. I really need to start going to the Farmers Market on a more regular basis.




Monday, April 18, 2011

Jules et Jim


The second feature I took in at The Texan Theater. The tale of two friends and an unconventional woman that changes everything.



Me. Out and About.



Friday, April 8, 2011

One word. Damn.

After a long hiatus,(my computer was out of commission)IM BACK!

"I guess it's in the stars for me to love you from a distance."

Must See

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Global Warming - Did You Know?

I became a vegetarian for 6 months and I really think I'm going to cut down my meat consumption again. I may not stop eating meat completely but I will significantly reduce my meat intake.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Winter’s Bone

John Hawkes is hands down one of the best actors. He is so underrated. I spent the entire movie waiting for scenes with him in it. He was terrifying as the volatile uncle and was the best part of the movie. The movie was very slow and I disliked it as I was watching but its growing on me and I am beginning to appreciate it more. The movie was actually very good but it was just slow as molasses. If you have time, I suggest checking it out. I give this movie 4 stars out of 5.
Let me know what you thought about the movie and your favorite part.

John Hawkes 1 Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RIP Elizabeth Taylor

I have always been in awe of this woman. She was strong and independent and one of the most beautiful women in the world. The original Angelina Jolie. She stole more husbands that WWII and had no shame. I admired her acting and beauty and contributions to society.

I had previously posted this like two years ago and I could have redone it but this is how I felt always.

A star is gone.....

Doesn't she look classic? - Cher in Clueless

Recent fashion trends are lending themselves to be very girly and feminine. I think the floral motifs and dresses are very reminiscent of old school glamour like Liz Taylor and Audrey Hepburn. I love the saying, Whats old can become new again. I think thats another reason I never really like to part with my old clothes because I know that they can come back into style at some point. So in honor of the new trends I am posting pictures of one of the most beautiful actresses/women of her time...and any time. ELIZABETH TAYLOR......timeless, classic, effortless, beautiful...all traits I hope that I possess or can emulate....

also, it seems the most handsome men were from that classic old school hollywood era as well...i might sneak in a few pics of my favorites.

Elizabeth Taylor Pictures, Images and Photos

Elizabeth Taylor Collage Pictures, Images and Photos

ELIZABETH Pictures, Images and Photos

taylor Pictures, Images and Photos

Elizabeth Taylor Pictures, Images and Photos

snejana in elizabeth taylor Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

loving you minnie riperton

This song has been stuck in my head all week...been singing it to Appolonia. She loves it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

God help Japan

How to help Japan.
Here is a link to an article which lists the ways we can help.
Click below...



The devastation in Japan is horrendous. I tried to avoid knowledge of the situation out of fear but I couldn't ignore it any longer. I am horrified by the loss and destruction. I am terrified that such a terrible event has occurred. The world is forever changed. I need to find out how I can help.

I know I can start by donating but what more can be done?

Monday, March 14, 2011


my very good friend Preface and I just finished recording a song together. I am so excited so here goes....ENJOY.

Make sure you like him on Facebook. :) Click here. Preface

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Losing hope

I didnt want to say anything because I still had hope, but my little Prince is gone. She went missing last week. I was hoping for her safe return but she is gone. I miss my little ray of sunshine terribly.


Sunday, March 6, 2011



I have lived my entire life in Dallas, Texas. I have lived over half of it in Oak Cliff, Tx. Texas Theatre has always been in the background of my scenery and its only walking distance for me now. I never paid much attention to the run down theatre until it reopened very recently. It has a very rich history. Howard Hughes once owned the Texas Theatre. Lee Harvey Oswald was found there after he “allegedly” shot President John F. Kennedy. The history of this place is just awesome.

You can even watch a movie in the same spot (the actual chair was removed and the chair that replaced it) that Oswald sat in, if you are into that sort of thing. It’s fifth seat from the aisle in the third to last row. Note to self: Take a picture in that seat next time you go.
I’ve had the pleasure of going to The Texas Theatre twice now and I must say I enjoyed myself very much. It is a quaint little place with an easy charm that you can easily fall in love with. A record player streams albums while you wait for the movie to begin and sip your wine. The selection is small but it’s a work in progress and I like that about it. I do recommend cup holders but I can understand because the seats are vintage. I’ve seen two amazing films there in the past two months. I can’t wait to tell you all about them but that will have to wait for later.
Have you been to The Texas Theater yet?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Things I Miss


My niece and nephew. I love them like a fat kid loves cake. Certain circumstances prevent me from seeing them but I hope that changes very soon.

just cause


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

They're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

I am kvelling right now. I am so excited right now. I need to find a way to theNew Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. That is my one purpose in life....lmao. Seriously, I need to fucking see my boys in concert. That would be a dream.

Monday, February 28, 2011

you look like the perfect fit....for a girl in need .... of a tourniquet.

feeling melancholy. ehhh.....I am the only person to blame. I am truly blessed right now except for the love department. I am always deficient in that area. Screw it.
This song is and has always been one of my favorite melancholy songs.

I have a lot to talk about. I mainly have to talk about MOVIES!!! I somehow channeled my inner film critic and watched a shitload of movies this past two weeks. It's all going down.....across the universe.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My two favorites



Taking a stroll down memory lane

My neice is maturing into a nerd just like me. God help her. Lol I have started a new tradition I hope, of sending her at least two books a month. I sent her the first one and she read it in two days. It was a scary book, but a goodie, nonetheless. I have been searching for it for years just because I wanted it in my personal library. Speaking of, I need to bulk that sucker up. Anyways, all I could remember was that there was a female child ghost haunting a girl that moved into a former church with her family and the front page was a map of the house and adjacent cemetery. I remembered that much and that I absolutely loved it...or I think I did. These days you won’t even catch me watching a scary movie, much less read a scary book. Back then I craved them. Goosebumps, R.L. Stine, and Christopher Pike were favorites. I would ride the city bus to the public library near my house or have my grandpa drop me off at the main library so I could stock up on as many books as possible. Reading was my adventure. Reading was my escape. I fell in love with reading and I have been ever since. So my niece is asking for nothing but scary books but I am leaning more toward my absolute favorites, Beverly Cleary books. I truly loved reading Beverly Cleary books. Strider is still one of my favorite books of all time. I remember trying to read every single one of her books and I may have succeeded give or take one or two. Some of them are impossible to find. I loved Dear Mr. Henshaw so I even wrote Mrs. Cleary a fan letter to show my adoration for her and her books just as Leigh did in Dear Mr. Henshaw, with my school picture enclosed. I gave the letter to my mom, who in turn laughed at me and said that the author was probably dead. She and my father then proceeded to make fun of me for it for about a month or so after telling everyone who would listen. "What is a dead author going to do with a picture of you? How is she going to read your letter?" she would ask sarcastically. Looking back I remember how much it hurt, still does. I feel bad for the young me.

Beverly Cleary is still alive today. She is 94 years young. She might have received my letter had I not thrown the letter with my picture inside of it away that day. I really identified with Leigh from Strider and Dear Mr. Henshaw. Leigh was a child of divorce and hardly got to see his truck driver dad or his mother who worked long hours. Books really were my escape from reality and I wanted to be Ramona or Henry with their perfect nuclear families. Books saved me from my crazy childhood. I kind of want to start collecting all the books and maybe pass them down to my future children because at least one of them will have the bookworm gene I hope. My niece definitely has the gene. I went ahead and sent her a diary and Dear Mr. Henshaw. She is having a tough time with her parents’ divorce and I hope that it helps her as much as possible. I can't wait for her to fall in love with Beverly Cleary books just as I did. My friend Andrew told me to go ahead and send a letter to Beverly Cleary. I think he may be right.

Which Cleary book is your favorite?

Here are some of mine......




Wednesday, February 16, 2011


She has one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard in my entire life.

This song gets me every time.

The beautiful and ridiculously talented Adele......

I love what the announcer says at the end. He is absolutely right.

UPDATE: Beautiful. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"and I was satisfied being in love with a lie"

Runaway fast as you can

This is how I'm feeling about Valentine's Day right now.

"and I was satisfied being in love with a lie."

Happy Late Valentine's Day

Mine didn't go so well. I spent the entire evening with a very sick grandparent in the hospital. He has pneumonia and that is very very bad at his age and he's already very weak as it is. I'm praying for him. Please do the same

My boyfriend had to work yesterday as well. He said that he doesn't believe in Valentine's Day. Is this just a cop out? It really annoyed me that he wouldn't/didn't get me anything thing for Valentine's Day. He couldn't even bother to get me a card. I got him a card. It's the thought that counts....
He said that Valentine's was a made up day for stupid people that think they are in love, to which I replied,"Wow people who think they are in love must be suckers huh?" His answer,"Hell yes." Self-righteous prick. I just can't believe how insensitive he is over the entire situation but obviously I do believe in it so why trash all over it? I don't know, it really has me thinking. He did something else shady this weekend that I can't get over either. We went out to the bar where he pretty much knows everyone and I really don't. So while he's making his rounds I decided to sit with a group of people that I had met previously there. It was a group of men coworkers and they were having a going away party for the person I knew the best. I am sitting there and joking around with them when boyfriend comes up and starts joking to which everyone laughs and says to all of us,"Amanda, don't ever try to be as funny as I am. You can never be funny like me. Your humor level is ehh about a 7, mine is a ten. So don't." I was completely embarrassed. I almost cried right there. Please tell me Im being oversensitive or something. I went into quiet mode after that and he kept asking what was wrong so I told him and he said he was joking and then proceeded to be mad at me and argue with me because I'm too "sensitive". I totally saw a different side of this person that I thought was perfect for me. I really need to make some decisions. Am I too sensitive or is he too insensitive?

Sunday, February 13, 2011


If your love was a season
I'm sure it would be winter
cold and bitter
robbing my warmth
you stay only a short period
but leave permanent hurt.
I can feel you coming long before your arrival
but I'm never prepared for that freezing wind
I fear for my survival
no coat of armor protects me from you ...


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prince is a Princess


Never believe a person when they tell you the sex of your kitten. Also, learn how to check the sex of your kitten. I have have my precious Prince for almost six
months and he has been a boy that entire time. I even proclaimed Prince and Appollonia husband and wife and called their fights love spats. Starting two days ago, Prince
began to act strangely and meow and moan very oddly. We thought he wanted to go outside because maybe a girl cat was in heat. Boy were we wrong. Prince is a Princess. My
little loveyboy is a loveygirl. I dont know what to think. Is she sexually confused or has she thought we were morons this entire time? Maybe the latter of the two. It feels
very strange right now because I only know Prince as a boy. I will have to get used to it but the name will remain the same, for obvious reasons. My little girl is a Catwoman
