Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Day 2 of school and I'm already lost. I just don't feel prepared whatsoever. I just don't have any of the books and I'm struggling to find out when I am going to get them. Not such a great start. I am working it out though. Hopefully I can score a couple of the books online tonight and have them by next week. I also had to hit up the pops so he could get a couple for me. I may need to pawn my camera or Ipod. I just got this camera and I'm doing project 365 but hey, sacrifices right? It will all be worth it in the end right? If I pawn the Ipod I still have my camera phone, that could be fun. We will see if push comes to shove. I am also already dropping a class. I can't do it right now. I gotta set limits. We will see how day 3 of school goes. I m going to sleep early. I am exhausted. I really hope this job comes through. I need it.


p.s. Hey asshole, if I dont answer the first 5 times in a row that you call, dont call another 10 times one right after the other. You had your chance and ya blew it.
You lost one.
Suck it slow.

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