Friday, April 29, 2011

Six Days Away


Yes, I will be heading on a road trip to New Orleans in less than a week. My excitement is building up to a breaking point. I am very excited and also very nervous, but that’s the anxiety trying to rear its ugly head but I won’t let it. I am going to enjoy this trip. I mad goals for 2011 and I intend to complete them. Going on a trip, even if only 100 miles(New Orleans is 521 so surpassed my goal already!) was one of my goals. I am ready to take on the world. LOL I am really stoked to go sightseeing. I have started a list of to do’s and must sees. It’s gonna kick-ass!

Not to mention, I am going to see my favorite singer of all-time!!!!!


I’ve waited for Lauryn’s comeback for over a decade and it’s finally time. The only problem is that her set conflicts with one of my all-time favorite bands!


I have to work something out!

And just for good measure…


Last but not least, Lupe Fiasco!


I even bought a brand new camera. I can’t wait to show off the pictures!

1 comment:

Yaya said...

How fun! Cant wait to see your pictures.